Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Maxine Waters Says the Craziest Things

Look Everybody, it's the Crazy Black Lady!"
Hey everybody! It's my favorite! Look everybody. It's the crazy black lady! --- Kenny Rogers [1:00-1: 25]

My favorite episode of Mad TV always features Will Sasso playing the crazy, hedonistic, uninhibited Kenny Rogers.

As a guest host for the variety show after he had moved onto other projects, Sasso returned and played in a skit called "Kenny Rogers Reality Show."

In the first scene, he meets the "dumbass" contestants, and when he sees the African-American woman, he shouts "It's the crazy black lady!"

When I recall that line, there is another crazy black lady I think of: Congresswoman Maxine Waters (D-Torrance. Can you believe it? Torrance!)

Here is a list of some -- hardly exhaustive list -- of the things which "Crazy Black Lady" Maxine Waters has uttered in the past (and they are utterly foolish):

During the LA Riots of 1992, Waters practically justified, if not outright defended, the rioting, pillaging, and looting which took place:

 “If you call it a riot, it sounds like it was just a bunch of crazy people who went out and did bad things for no reason.   I maintain it was somewhat understandable, if not acceptable.   So I call it a rebellion.

Keep in mind that a great deal of white people as well as other ethnic groups starting looting during the riots. How dragging a truck driver out of his cabin and beating him senseless constitutes social protest is just beyond me.

Waters sits as ranking (and rank) member on the House Finance and Banking Committee. In the late 2000s, Her comments about the solvency of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac bear repeating (and ridicule):

We do not have a crisis at Freddie Mac, and particularly Fannie Mae, under the outstanding leadership of Frank Raines.

One housing crisis and millions of homes lost, jobs lost, and a Great Recession later, one has to wonder what Waters is doing on the House Finance Committee in the first place.

In 2008, Water commented in a documentary on progressive values  that "Conservative values have failed. I think that weak people are preyed upon. . . but I think that they [conservative talk radio] have failed. . ."

Also in 2008, Here's her botched up attempt to shake up the oil companies in Congress:

What guarantees are you going to give this liberal about how that will reduce the cost of gasoline at the pump if we let you drill where you say you want to drill. . .And guess what this liberal will be all about. This liberal will be all about socializ. . . will be about . . .basically taking over and the government running all your companies. Uh Uh Uh. . .


Liberal talk shows have closed down all over the country, even in liberal California and New York. As for preying on the weak, look no further than any major city with Democratic dominance, and you will find poverty, corruption, and crime.

In 2010, Congresswoman Waters was offended at the flag-waving Tea Party protesters:

I was amazed.   I really was.   I didn’t say anything to anybody.   I just watched-the Republicans were out there-they were having a great time.   They were laughing, they were waving the American flag, they were egging them on, and I thought that was outrageous behavior.   I really did.”

Waving the American flag is an outrageous act? Are you kidding me? Then again, students in a Bay Area high school were required to take their American flag shirts off, for fear of offending some gang-related groups. She was critical of Americans demonstrating their First Amendment to petition their government. With these kind of statements, what would she have thought of Dr. Martin Luther King giving his "I have a Dream Speech" in 1963? There were lots of flags there, and men and women were criticizing their government then.

In 2011, Waters was trying to keep her Congressional aspirations afloat, fearing that she would be dumped into another district and have to challenge another (incumbent) Democrat, Waters showed her solidarity with organize labor and the blame game of the Democratic machine: "The Tea Party can go straight to hell!"

 I wonder if she would say that Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, the African-American leader of the South LA Tea Party.

In 2012, Waters turned up her outrageous rhetoric once again, literally demonizing her Congressional colleagues:

I saw pictures of Boehner and Cantor on our screens. Don’t ever let me see again in life those Republicans in our hall, on our screens, talking about anything. These are demons.

And this is coming from the lady who said that the Tea Party can go straight to hell? Who is dancing with the devil, really?

In 2013, after his second inauguration, about President Obama's campaign machine, Organizing for Action, Waters commented:

And that database will have information about everything on every individual in ways that it’s never been done before.

I thought that was called the NSA, or the CIA.

Following the breakdown of lawmakers' discussion on avoiding the sequester, Waters announced: "If sequestration takes place, that's going to be a big setback. . .it's going to cause these job losses, 170 million jobs."

Then came the shutdown but Waters would not shut her mouth, and she spewed more venom:

I am encouraged more by what happened with Republicans yesterday-- they had been mislead by Senator Cruz. I understood that they referred to him as a snake-oil salesman.

There aren't even that many people working in this country, and without a doubt that number has already dwindled considerably.

Even Jay Leno could not pass that whopper up. Crazy as well as stupid!

Speaking to the Congressional Black Caucus last year, Maxine Waters discussed the spread of crack cocaine in South Los Angeles:

It was just everywhere, and as I traveled across the country I saw entire towns that were cracked out. I mean, everybody was on crack. . .


For all the outrageous outbursts which have poured out of Congresswoman Waters' mouth, perhaps she should take some advice from another black, Democratic activist quoted in Politico:

After the president’s speech, three African-American women, asked their opinion of the event, volunteered their criticism of Waters for violating the unspoken understanding not to criticize the first black president.

“We as African-Americans have to be smarter,” said Ruby Hicks of Racine, Wis. “And Maxine Waters needs to shut up.”

Thank you! I could not have said it better myself!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Obamacare is Going Straight to Hell, After All!

"As far as I'm concerned, the TEA Party can go straight to hell!" -- Maxine Waters.

For the first time in years, if anyone can ever remember a fiery race-hustler getting called on their disrespectful remarks, Congresswoman Maxine Waters had no choice but to back-pedal from her crude remarks in a 2011 job forum in Inglewood.

Fox News even confronted her in the halls of Congress about her inappropriate comments. She just smiled and looked away from the camera until she escaped into an elevator.

Still, her remarks have rattled conservatives, yet mainstream affiliates pushed her to justify such outrageous remarks.

She appeared on Meet the Press and other NBC affiliates trying to justify then deflect the statements she made.

Of course, her coarse rhetoric knows no bounds, and she has uttered such offensive remarks before.

I was at a Tea Party rally in Torrance, CA, which now makes up a large part of her new Congressional district. The residents in Torrance, however, have a different view of her new responsibilities, and the comments are not good.

One lady told me: "She's awful!"

Another lady told me how she calls her office and tweets to her about the outrageous remarks she made about the Tea Party.

One wonders if she has met Reverend Jesse Peterson, who leads the South LA Tea Party. Does Congresswoman Waters think that this African-American Pastor should go straight to hell, too?

When I confronted her in a town hall meeting in September, 2013, I could not help myself:

"As far as I'm concerned, Obamacare can go straight to hell."

I was wrong-- Obamacare is already there, and taking in  its fiery, frustrating wake access to quality health care while limiting the doctors and medical specialists which Americans, young and old, can see. State insurance exchanges intended to create a competitive marketplace are crashing all over the country. While President Obama and his team tout that 4 million people have signed up, the same statistics fail to calculate that a number of those individuals have not paid their first month's premium Without and funds going into the system, there is no funding that will support the slightly greater number of poor and sick people jumping into the program, who are depending on a government subsidy to get health insurance.

Coupling these unpleasant statistics with the horror stories of individual Americans with Obamacare insurance still left paying the bill, and we can see that Obamacare is taking not just the medical profession, not just the health industry, but an unprecedented number of sick and wounded Americans with it.

Pilot to co-pilot, your health insurance is going up in flames!

"I Have Lost all Respect for the Man"

Maxine Waters posed quietly with Congressman Henry Waxman,
but we can be sure that sparks were flying unseen.
(Source: http://torrance2014.blogspot.com/2013/12/congressman-henry-waxman-and.html)

Now check out what Congresswoman Maxine Waters had to say about retiring (er, retreating) Congressman Henry Waxman:

Now I can't say this is why Mr. Waxman is doing what he's doing," said Waters.  "But these are the two places they go for money - the Chamber.....and organized labor. And so some of these elected officials don't feel they can be independent and fight. They say, 'Hey, you know, this is too difficult, after all, they've come together on this issue'."

I don't have any respect for you having been doing that.

I want you to find all the community activists in his district and ask them to join with us. I want them to call him and tell him to get his nose out of Westchester's business. He's thinking, 'Well, it's not my district, so I don't have to worry about my constituents on this issue. I can do what ever I want.'"

But we have to turn that around. Get busy. I will remind him, every day, that we're after him.", Waters said, smiling.
