Thursday, September 20, 2012

Maxine Waters: Hiding Behind the Race Card

Waters: No Dignity
Like many black politicians, Maxine Waters has coasted on her color to get reelected term after term.

Only this past year did Maxine Waters begin demanding that President Obama do more for the black communities in the South Los Angeles/Inglewood regions.

Sadly, this move will not move a president who really does not care about black people.

Come to think of it, most black politicians really do not care about black voters.

African-Americans, like every other constituency in this country, in this state, deserve respect from their leaders. I have yet to see the politicians who claim that they represent their race do real and lasting good for the ethnic minorities in their districts.

Maxine Waters may give out hand-shakes and applaud young people for the pictures that they make. The "Herald Publications" apparatus has headlighted her appearance and forays into the public.

But what has she done, beyond show up and take pictures? How can she stand with a president who has done nothing but dump money on failed industries and paying of political pals, while the official unemployment rate for African-Americans is at least five points above the national average? And that is not counting the number of people under-employed or who have given up looking for work.

Maxine Waters has attacked free enterprise, free markets, and free people. When will people open up their eyes and realize that this queen is wearing no clothes?

She can claim her color all she wants, but she does not really care about black people, either, except on election day, when she wants their vote.

Inglewood, Athens, South Los Angeles, Lennox, Lawndale, Hawthorne: they all deserve better than a politician who looks at every election as a coronation for a queen.

End the Reign of Queen Maxine! Vote for Bob Flores for the 43rd!

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